Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Its Oxidative Stress-Induced Pathologies and Redox Bioregulation through Low-Dose Medical Ozone. A Systematic Review.
Renate Viebahn-Haensler * Olga León Fernández * ,Abstract Our hypothesis that controlled ozone applications interfere into the redox balance of the biological organism (first published in 1998 with a preclinical trial on protecting the liver from CCl4 intoxication), has been verified over the last 2 decades in reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced mitochondrial pathologies, such as rheumatoid arthritis, […]
Medical Ozone. Redox regulation and a new mechanism in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Olga Sonia León Fernández * , Gabriel Takon Oru , Renate Viebahn-Haensler , Gilberto López Cabreja ,Irainis Serrano Espinosa , María Elena Corrales VázquezPosted Date: 4 October 2024doi: 10.20944/preprints202410.0288.v1Keywords: Ozone; Reactive Oxygen Species; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Methotrexate; A1 Adenosine Receptors Medical Ozone. Redox regulation and a newmechanism in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritisOlga Sonia León Fernández […]
Prezentari Congres European Ozonoterapie – Istanbul 2024
Membrii Societatii Stiintifice Romane de Oxigen Ozono Teerapie pot accesa cateva din lucrarile prezentate la International European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies Congress – Istanbul 2024 European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies Pentru ca utilizarea ozonului medical să devină mai eficientă prin furnizarea unei platforme mai largi, în 2002 a fost înființată Cooperarea Europeană a […]
Ozone Therapy for Breast Cancer: An Integrative Literature Review
Abstract Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in women. Despite significant advances in conventional treatment, additional safer complementary treatment options are needed. Recently, ozone therapy has been considered as a type of medical adjunctive treatment that could inhibit cancer cell survival and reduce chemoresistance. However, only a few studies have been conducted […]
Oxygen–ozone therapy for myocardial ischemic stroke and cardiovascular disorders
Sergio Pandolfi 1,2, Salvatore Chirumbolo 3,*, Marianno Franzini 1,2, Umberto Tirelli 4, Luigi Valdenassi 1,2 Abstract Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) represent a major concern for human health worldwide. Emergencies in this field include wide repertories of studies dealing primarily with CVD prevention. In addition to dietary habits and lifestyles, medical knowledge is fully needed to improve public educational programs toward cardiovascular risk factors and to […]
Ozone Therapy as an Adjuvant in the Treatment of Periodontitis
Abstract The current study aimed to assess the efficacy of ozone therapy in the treatment of stage II and stage III periodontitis. This prospective split-mouth study selected patients who were diagnosed with either stage II or stage III periodontitis. All patients were treated with scaling and root-planing (SRP) on the control side and SRP with […]
Effects of ozone therapy in neurology
The possibilities of using the effects of ozone therapy in neurology Jan Masan 1, Miron Sramka 2, Daria Rabarova 3 Affiliations Expand Abstract Objectives: The beneficial effects of ozone therapy consist mainly of the promotion of blood circulation: peripheral and central ischemia, immunomodulatory effect, energy boost, regenerative and reparative properties, and correction of chronic oxidative stress. Ozone therapy increases interest in new […]
Ozone therapy in the management and prevention of caries
The purpose of this article was to assess the effectiveness of ozone therapy in the management and prevention of caries, reviewing clinical and in vitro studies. Ozone has proven to be effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In dentistry, most of the published articles are based on ozone’s antimicrobial effects and the treatment of caries. Most […]
Ozone therapy for skin diseases: Cellular and molecular mechanisms
Liyao Liu 1,2, Liyue Zeng 1,2, Lihua Gao 1,2, Jinrong Zeng 1,2,✉, Jianyun Lu 1,2,✉ PMCID: PMC10333036 PMID: 36527235 Abstract Ozone is a highly reactive oxidant molecule consisting of triatomic oxygen atoms. Ozone therapy can be achieved using ozonated hydrotherapy, ozonated oil, ozone autohemotherapy, and other innovative dosage forms of ozone products. Ozone is frequently used as a complementary therapy for various cutaneous diseases, including infectious […]
dr. Lidia RAJNOVEANU Vice president and co-founder of Romanian Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy member of Romanian Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care founding member of the Foundation for Health Care Improvement (FAAMED) member of European Society of the European Resuscitation Council Lecturer in the International Postgraduate training courses in oxygen-ozone therapy organized by […]