dr. Lidia RAJNOVEANU Vice president and co-founder of Romanian Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy member of Romanian Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care founding member of the Foundation for Health Care Improvement (FAAMED) member of European Society of the European Resuscitation Council Lecturer in the International Postgraduate training courses in oxygen-ozone therapy organized by […]
Dr. Marcela Dragomir Primary doctor medical-surgical emergencies; Lecturer at the “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați Piciorul diabetic, arteriopat și/sau neuropat, ulcerat sau nu, reprezintă o problemă importantă pentru oricare sistem de sănătate, necesitând alocări importante de fonduri . Pacientul diabetic ajunge de multe ori la complicații, printr-un regim de viață neadecvat sau prin renunțarea […]
Ozonoterapia in patologia chirurgicala
Prezentare sustinuta de Sef lucrari Univ. dr. Gabriel MOGOS la Congresul Mondial de ozonoterapie desfasurat la Bucuresti in perioada 5 – 7 Mai 2022 . Prezentare caz clinic. dr. Lidia Rajnoveanu – vice-presedinte SSROOT Ozonoterapia in patologia chirurgicala – YouTube
Prof. Univ. Dr Dragoș Marinescu – Academia de Științe Medicale din România Patogenia tulburărilor psihiatrice majore scoate în evidență în ultimul deceniu, pe lângă dezechilibrele neurobiochimice și prezența unor mecanisme multisistemice, dominate de disfuncția mitocondrială, procesele inflamatorii, dezechilibrele imunitare, hiperactivitatea ROS (Reactive Oxygene Species) și disfuncția endotelială. Acest complex de mecanisme multisistemice determină răspunsuri terapeutice […]
The Effect of Oxygen-Ozone Treatment on Posture
Marcela DRAGOMIR Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania Vol 6 No 3 (2022): Proceedings of the 2nd international conference Interdisciplinarity and Cooperation in Cross-Border Research, Chisinau, Moldova, June 2022 Abstract The way we step, the functioning of the oculomotor muscles, the dental occlusion and the mobility of the temporomandibular joint influence our posture and […]
Ozone in Medicine. The Low‐Dose Ozone Concept and Its Basic Biochemical Mechanisms of Action in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Renate Viebahn‐Haensler, and Olga Sonia León Fernández Abstract: Low‐dose ozone acts as a bioregulator in chronic inflammatory diseases, biochemically characterized by high oxidative stress and a blocked regulation. During systemic applications, “Ozone peroxides” are able to replace H2O2 in its specific function of regulation, restore redox signaling, and improve the antioxidant capacity. Two different mechanisms […]
Systemic Ozone Therapy by Rectal Insufflation for Immunoglobulin A Deficiency
Jacqueline Díaz-Luis MD MS, Silvia Menéndez-Cepero PhD, Consuelo Macías-Abraham MD PhD, Lucía Fariñas-Rodríguez MS INTRODUCTION IgA defi ciency is a primary immunodeficiency predominantly due to an antibody defect, for which there is no replacement therapy. Treatment consists of prevention and treatment of infections and other associated conditions. Given the immunomodulatory and regulatory properties of the […]
Intra Articular Ozone Modulates Inflammation and Has Anabolic Effect on Knee Osteoarthritis: IL-6 and IGF-1 as Pro-Inflammatory and Anabolic Biomarkers
by Marcos E. Fernández-Cuadros 1,2,*,Olga S. Pérez-Moro 1,2,María J. Albaladejo-Florín 1,2,María M. Tobar-Izquierdo 2,3,Amelia Magaña-Sánchez 2,3,Patricia Jiménez-Cuevas 2,3 andJavier Rodríguez-de-Cía 2,3 1Servicio de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física, Hospital Universitario Santa Cristina, 28009 Madrid, Spain 2Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario la Princesa, 28009 Madrid, Spain 3Servicio de Análisis Clínicos, Hospital Universitario Santa Cristina, 28009 Madrid, Spain Academic Editor: Gregorio Martínez Sánchez Processes2022, 10(1), 138; […]
Promising gas therapies for severe COVID-19
Ting Wang, Qian Xiang, and Jinjun Bian Journal of Intensive Medicine. 2021 Oct; 1(2): 99–102. Published online 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1016/j.jointm.2021.05.001 PMCID: PMC8157123 Abstract The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a worldwide catastrophe, thoroughly challenging the healthcare systems. A growing number of victims suffer from a remarkable acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that […]
Metanalysis on the effectiveness of low back pain treatment with oxygen-ozone mixture: Comparison between image-guided and non-image-guided injection techniques
European Journal of Radiology Open Volume 8, 2021, 100389 Abstract Low back pain (LBP) is a common disorder affecting an increasing number of people worldwide, whose diagnosis is focused on the identification of triggering causes. First line therapy usually starts from conservative approaches, whereas second line treatments include a spectrum of minimally invasive techniques, before resorting to […]