TANAKA Hiroshi : P. E. Jp, Chemical Engineering Department, Products Development Center, Corporate Research & Development SAKURAI Miei : Doctor of Engineering, Senior Researcher, Chemical Engineering Department, Products Development Center, Corporate Research & Development
ISHII Kousuke : Doctor of Engineering, Senior Researcher, Chemical Engineering Department, Products Development Center, Corporate Research & Development
MATSUZAWA Yoshiaki : Doctor of Engineering, Manager, Chemical Engineering Department, Products Development Center, Corporate Research & Development
More than 99.99% of inf luenza A virus particles attached to a plastic carrier were inactivated by exposure to 10 ppm ( V/V ) – ozone gas for 210 min at 23 to 29°Cand a relative humidity of 64 to 65%. When the virus was exposed to 20 ppm ( V/V ) – ozone gas for 150 min, more than 99.999% was inactivated. In contrast, the virus remained active after 10 hours under similar conditions without ozone gas. These data suggest that office disinfection against inf luenza viruses might be accomplished by ozone gas fumigation during night-time hours.
Cases of humans becoming infected with a particularly virulent type of the avian inf luenza (bird f lu) virus have been confirmed in recent years, and a global outbreak of human infection with a new inf luenza virus of swine origin has occurred in 2009. Now concerns are growing over the possibility of an inf luenza pandemic being caused by a highly virulent virus. In order to prevent infection, various methods for inactivating such a virus (to eliminate its infectivity) have been studied. One of the most promising of these is virus inactivation using ozone gas.
The effectiveness of ozone gas has been demonstrated in much of the literature on this matter. Shinriki et al. conducted disinfection experiments using 1 400 ppm of ozone gas and reported that ozone inactivated Bacillusspores.(1) Nakamura et al. performed inactivation examinations with MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus), Escherichiacoli, Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Tubercle bacillus, and Aspergillusnigerby changing the concentration of ozone gas from 5 to 400 ppm.(2) In addition, Murray et al. inactivated influenza viruses, herpes virus, vaccinia virus, adenovirus, and vesicular stomatitis virus under various ozone concentrations ranging from 800 to 1 500 ppm and demonstrated with this mechanism that ozone is effective in inactivating a broad spectrum of viruses.(3)
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