Proceedings of the World Ozone Congress in Ancona 2017

Jose Baeza-Noci
Editor-in-chief, Journal of Ozone Therapy
As promised in my editorial in issue 3, we have devoted this issue to compile the abstracts of the presentations of the Ozone therapy World Congress
organized by Dr Lamberto Re, Chairman of our Scientific Advisory Committee, in Ancona – Italy in 2017.
This meeting had sixty-six speakers from twenty-one countries. A true milestone in the international meetings about ozone therapy. It included three main branches: odontology, veterinary and medicine. All the presentations about the use of ozone have been published here following an author’s alphabetic order.
The Publications Service of the University of Valencia is preparing a big update on their Open Journal System, moving from version 2 to version 3.
This will allow us to have a nicer web and also responsive to the device it is connected to, so it will be easier to use in tablets and mobile phones.
Meanwhile, they have included an STATISTICS tab that shows the information about reads and downloads. I have gladly checked that we have increased the read/download activity in 50% during the past year.
We have also been included in WorldCat, one of the first electronic libraries in the world. This will surely increase the impact of our journal, and encourage us to go on expanding our presence as much as possible all over the world.
We are hardly working in issue 5, devoted to spine diseases and ozone indications and receiving papers for issue 6.
All papers are welcomed!

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