WFOT and Covid-19 disease

Posted on 28 Feb 2020 in News WFOT

It is appearing more and more often in the media and social networks that ozone treatment could be useful in the treatment of this novel viral infection named Covid-19.

Taking into account that the recognized antiviral efficacy of the ozone molecule when used for disinfection at high concentration must not be confused with the scientifically proven therapeutic use of ozone.

Hoping that the efforts actually made by some Chinese hospitals to get approval from local ethics committees to perform clinical trials in specific cases of this viral infection will be supported by our strictest respect for the confidentiality and prudence that such an infection and its severity requires.

The Scientific Committee of WFOT declares:

WFOT will not support any information on the possible positive effects induced by ozone in Covid-19 patients, claiming for reports in the absence of strong and validated evidence, as required by a serious medical association.

WFOT scientific reputation requires us to keep our Chinese colleagues activity confidential, unless supported by consolidated scientific evidence.

WFOT also point out how unethical it is to propose our therapeutic method in a practically unexplored clinical field, which is also full of pitfalls. On the other hand, it appears to be more appropriate to express a certain discretion, being ready to respond to any request for help if either local or international Health and Political Organizations decide to request it.

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