UPDATE – 28/03/2020
Other trial promoted by NuovaFIO has already started in Poliambulanza Institute Hospital Foundation in Brescia after approval of its Ethic Committee. It also pending of registration in the web of Clinical Trials.
UPDATE – 27/03/2020
The Italian trial, under the auspicies of Nuova FIO, has been authorized officially by the Ethic Commmittee of Sapienza University… soon we could see the progress here.
Other trials have been accepted in hospitals of Romania and Turkey and are pending their ethic committees’ final approval.
Three more trials are going on in Tinjian Huanju Hospital. We only have a preliminary report of the first two cases. Another trial is waiting for approval in Italy and two more trials are being prepared in Portugal and Brazil, all last three with WFOT’s help. We hope that last trials are approved and we soon get data enough to help our patients. WFOT will not publish preliminary protocols or data without permission from the trial’s coordinator unless it is required by health authorities. Meanwhile, we must follow STRICTLY the advises from these authorities.