CONVOCARE ADUNARE GENERALA ORDINARA A MEMBRILOR SSROOT Va informam ca Adunarea Generala ordinara a membrilor asociatiei va avea loc in data de 15 Octombrie 2022 ora 10.30 , la Phoenicia Grand Hotel din Bucuresti . Ordinea de zi : 1...
De La : Luni pana Vineri - 8am to 5pm
CONVOCARE ADUNARE GENERALA ORDINARA A MEMBRILOR SSROOT Va informam ca Adunarea Generala ordinara a membrilor asociatiei va avea loc in data de 15 Octombrie 2022 ora 10.30 , la Phoenicia Grand Hotel din Bucuresti . Ordinea de zi : 1...
Carlo Tascini 1, Giovanni Sermann 2, Alberto Pagotto 3, Emanuela Sozio 3 4, Chiara De Carlo 3, Alessandro Giacinta 3, Francesco Sbrana 5, Andrea Ripoli 6, Nadia Castaldo 3, Maria Merelli 3, Barbara Cadeo 3, Cristiana Macor 2, Amato De Monte 2 Abstract The emerging outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to spread worldwide....
Marcos Edgar Fernández-Cuadros, María Jesús Albaladejo-Florín, Sandra Álava-Rabasa, Isabel Usandizaga-Elio, Dolores Martinez-Quintanilla Jimenez, Daiana Peña-Lora, Inmaculada Neira-Borrajo, María Jesús López-Muñoz, Javier Rodríguez-de-Cía & Olga Susana Pérez-Moro Abstract The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of rectal ozone...
Tulay Ercalik 1 , Mustafa Kilic 2 Abstract Background: Intradiscal ozone therapy, a minimally invasive technique, is used in patients that do not respond to standard conservative therapies for low back pain due to degenerative disc-induced lumbar disc herniation (LDH). Many...
G Tricarico 1 , J Rodrigues Orlandin, V Rocchetti, C E Ambrosio, V Travagli Abstract Objective: The therapeutic application of ozone and its derivatives in the dental field has been used for many purposes. However, there has yet to be a consistent evaluation of...
STR. STIRBEI VODA 94, Bucuresti, Sector 1, Cod postal 010118