The Open letter to professor V.Bocci
Posted by: Eugen Nazarov in News
Dear Professor Bocci,
Allow me to continue the discussion, which took place at the conference in Istanbul. It seems to me that some important questions, which you put for the consideration to the congress, were not considered in sufficient details. Allow me to return to them again, in order to express the position of the Russian school of ozone therapy.
On one of your slides these questions were formulated as follows:
1. to discuss and clarify the best technological advances,
2. the need of using ozone-resistant materials to avoid toxicity. Plastic bags regularly used for blood storage are unsuitable as, in the presence of ozone, they release phthalates and plastic microparticles into blood. Neutral glass bottles are idoneous.
First, about phtalates. More than 90% of phthalates produced in Europe are used to plasticize PVC. We use many PVC products every day but tend to take many of them for granted. They include everything from lifesaving medical devices such as medical tubing and blood bags. Phthalates have been used for more than 40 years in flexible vinyl (PVC) products. Their use has led to improvements in the health and well being of billions of patients, many of them children, throughout the world. No plasticizer (materials used to make plastic soft) has ever been subjected to toxicity and safety testing to the same degree as DEHP. It has been a known fact in the scientific
community for many years that di -(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, DEHP, migrates from medical devices, such as blood bags and tubing, in minute amounts. However, not one single piece of validated scientific evidence shows that these products cause adverse health effects in humans.
Thus, many yearspractice of blood storage in PVC bags showed absence of any toxic effect of phthalates. Can ozone accelerate the migration of phthalates into the blood? Are there any solidly established scientific facts of the acceleration of phthalate migration from PVC into the blood under the action of ozone and ozone- induced formation of PVC microparticles? We will be glad to get acquainted with such data, if they exist. In any case, while estimating possible risks of the application of plastic bags of PVC one should take into consideration the following:
1) ozone does not interact with the bag material directly, since the conventional practice of big autohemotherapy lies in the fact that ozone- oxygen mixture first comes in contact with the blood, which must neutralize ozone for a split second.
We have made the measurement of ozone concentration in the bag immediately after the completion of the blood treatment with the ozone- oxygen mixture with the ozone concentration equal to 20 micrograms per milliliter. We have not discovered the content of ozone in the bag, in the sensitivity of the method of 0.1 micrograms per milliliter. It is obvious that only one of the components of ozone- oxygen mixture – oxygen comes in contact with the bag walls.
2) There were carried out about 200 000 procedures of big autohemotherapy with the use of PVC bags in Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, in some EU countries, in Latin America and countries of the Southeastern Asia. Being the inventor of the method variant of big autohemotherapy based on the use of the peristaltic pump and PVC- bag of special construction, I collect information about the excesses and complications, which appear in the practice of doctors, who use instruments and bags of my construction carefully. Since 2001, when the practice of this variant of big autohemotherapy have begun, I obtained 1137 reports about the complications while conducting this procedure.
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