(S.P.Aljochina, T.G.Tscherbatyuk “Ozone therapy: clinical and experimental aspects” – Nizhny Novgorod, 2003)
Ozone Therapy of Malignant Tumors
- Altman (1995) summarizing the gathered experimental and clinical experience of world practice of ozone therapy in his book “Oxygen healing therapies” wrote that ozone has been used in the oncology for about ten years.
The works dedicated to investigations into the action of ozone in malignant tumors were made by the scientists from Germany, Cuba, the USA, Italy, Switzerland and have been recently continued in Russia.
The foreign researches based their attempts at using ozone in the oncology on two discoveries.
The first discovery was made by O. Warburg (1966, Germany) that the key reason for development of tumor is oxygen deficiency on the cell level.
The second discovery made by J. Varro (1974, Germany) showed intolerance of peroxides by tumor cells. In this connection there was made a supposition that ozone and hydrogen peroxide can affect metabolism of cancer cells. However the works of J. Varro as well as the results of earlier investigations made by the Russian scientists A.I. Zhuravleva, B.N. Tarusova (1962) that the content of peroxides in tumors is decreased as compared with normal tissues were not put to use in clinical oncology.
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